city fit for cycling – the times

il primo vero post sul nuovo blog non è una recensione di libri, ma la diffusione di una campagna lanciata da the times per la sicurezza dei ciclisti sulle strade inglesi…

bisogna diffondere queste iniziative, perché usare la bici è l’UNICO sistema SOSTENIBILE di trasporto individuale all’interno delle città.

e noi ciclisti, che col freddo e col gelo ci mettiamo in marcia verso l’ufficio ogni giorno, magari col bambino sul seggiolino posteriore, siamo eroi ed evangelisti, non BERSAGLI!


non so, vedete voi… con 0 gradi e il ghiaccio…

comunque bando alle ciance, ecco il manifesto.

The Times has launched a public campaign and 8-point manifesto calling for cities to be made fit for cyclists:

  1. Lorries entering a city centre should be required by law to fit sensors, audible turning alarms, extra mirrors and safety bars to stop cyclists being thrown under the wheels.
  2. The 500 most dangerous road junctions must be identified, redesigned or fitted with priority traffic lights for cyclists and Trixi mirrors that allow lorry drivers to see cyclists on their near-side.
  3. A national audit of cycling to find out how many people cycle in Britain and how cyclists are killed or injured should be held to underpin effective cycle safety.
  4. Two per cent of the Highways Agency budget should be earmarked for next generation cycle routes, providing £100 million a year towards world-class cycling infrastructure. Each year cities should be graded on the quality of cycling provision.
  5. The training of cyclists and drivers must improve and cycle safety should become a core part of the driving test.
  6. 20mph should become the default speed limit in residential areas where there are no cycle lanes.
  7. Businesses should be invited to sponsor cycleways and cycling super-highways, mirroring the Barclays-backed bicycle hire scheme in London.
  8. Every city, even those without an elected mayor, should appoint a cycling commissioner to push home reforms.

che dire, sono inglesi, idee chiare a chiare lettere.